One Thing
Mark 10:21 Jesus looked at him and loved him, “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come follow me.” (NIV)
The story of the rich young ruler is one you may have heard of time and time again, but let me bring a fresh perspective today as you look at this loving and powerful interaction between Jesus and the young man. The man loved Jesus, did what he knew was good and honorable, but there was still just ONE THING. ONE THING that he was yet to submit. ONE AREA that Jesus was bringing to the surface. ONE PIECE of his heart that had remained guarded and held back from the one who loved him most.
When I read this scripture, I instantly know my ONE THING. The ONE THING that is difficult for me to fully surrender to Jesus. The ONE THING that I have to submit over and over again, because I have a tendency to pick it back up and want control again.
What is the ONE THING for you today? Are your holding onto a past offense? Are you fully trusting your children into the care of Jesus? Are you holding back forgiveness? Is there an area of control that you just can’t loosen your grip on?
You don’t have to tell me your ONE THING, but you will make a choice. Whether you are aware of it or not- you will make a choice today to either walk away from the invitation to fully surrender and fully trust Jesus with every part of your life- you will choose to keep some areas to yourself and not yield to his lordship- or you will choose MORE OF JESUS.
Jesus wants every part of me, He wants every part of you because he LOVES us. He is not trying to control our lives, but he is inviting us to yield and respond to his great love for us. He wants every area, every part of our lives because He wants to give FULL LIVE. So today, I want to encourage you to bring that ONE THING to Jesus, even if its difficult, and let his love wash over you today!